A Woman’s Guide to Wearing Silver Chain Necklaces in 2019 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Necklaces have been a part of human life. Literally, they are just materials made to be worn around the neck. But then, as years go by, we have put symbols and meanings to our necklaces. For instance, Christians wear a necklace with a cross in it to symbolize the belief in Christ, a peace necklace for peace, and a necklace with the infinity symbolizes eternal prosperity.

Jewelry can also have an emotional and sentimental attachment between them. Necklaces that have been passed down from generation to generation is an example of this. Another version of this is a necklace locket where you can put pictures inside the necklace.

For most parts of history, chains have been used as a ceremonial and religious artifact. The more power you have, the more expensive the material will be for your necklace. Nowadays, necklaces are easier to make compared before. They are usually made of elements such as gold and silver.

Designs for necklaces are different for men and women. Necklaces for men have limited designs and are usually thicker to symbolize strength. On the other hand, necklaces for women are thinner. They may have a stone, but often, women’s chains are made with a minimalistic design.

One of the materials used for women’s necklaces is silver. Silver necklaces are often associated with purity and elegance.

For a woman, the purpose of wearing a silver chain is to show their elegance, to let their beauty be accessorized by a precious item.

There are kinds of necklaces a woman should wear. If you have no idea on what the best silver necklace is for you, here is an infographic from Blush Jewelry that can help you find your needs.

This infographic presents a comprehensive woman’s guide to wearing silver chain necklaces in 2019.

Source: https://blushjewelry.com/a-womans-guide-to-wearing-silver-chain-necklaces-in-2019/

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